This unit explains literary genres of drama, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and explains several subgenres of each. Each genre and subgenre includes a well-known example and book cover image. Activities provide practice identifying genres and subgenres. Parts of this unit include:
Activity | Link | Description |
#1 | Video | This video explains literary genres of fiction, nonfiction, drama, and poetry. Then, it gives subgenres of each. Works of literature, well-known works in most cases, are shown as examples of each genre and subgenre. Next, viewers practice identifying literary genres and subgenres from descriptions and clues. Finally, the answers are checked. |
#2 | Video Notes | As you watch the video, use the Video Notes to record notes and answers to the practice questions. |
#3 | Flash Cards | Use these digital flashcards to practice definitions of each literary genres and subgenres. |
#4 | Practice Worksheets | These superb worksheets from provide fantastic practice with literary genres and subgenres! There are some subgenres in these worksheets that are not in the video above, including folklore subgenres (myth, legend, fairy tale, tall tale, and fable) and a nonfiction subgenres of informational writing and essay. |
#5 | Quiz | Plus Quiz 2. Give one or both of these quizzes to check progress and comprehension of literary genres and subgenres and identify areas that need further review. |